
In order to install the pySailingVLM, follow the instructions below. Commands are presented only for Linux users. For Windows or macOS, they should be modified, respectively.

For Users#

pySailingVLM package is available at PyPI:

pip install pySailingVLM

For Developers#

If you would like to dive into pySailingVLM code and test it on your own please do the folowing steps:

  • Clone project

git clone
  • Go into project

cd pySailingVLM
  • There is no requirements.txt file, for installing dependencies install a project in editable mode (i.e. setuptools “develop mode”) from a local project path:

pip install -q -e .

Create package#

Building the package requires setup.cfg and pyproject.toml files located in main tree of pySailingVLM project. If you do not have the latest pip build, type the following command:

pip install --upgrade build


pip install build

Build and install#

python3 -m build
pip install dist/pySailingVLM-VERSION.tar.gz